Winter Moon (Poem for Kate) / by Alex Williamson

it was not a poem 

I meant to write

on the day we went 

to walk

to the old ice house

at Delnies

chasing the arc

of midwinter sun

on that old track

to Whiteness

just gone noon

& barely light

the ground



by Yuletide visitor

happy holidaymakers

Covid refugees

huddled and swaddled

against the frost

playing it safe

we take to the beach

tack into the chill breeze

past rocks

crusted with

sea ice

we cannot decide

if the tide

is coming in 

or going out

we should know

but we don’t

at the spot

where the whale

washed up

& last summer

a dead dolphin

lay rotting

on the breakwater

the freedom

of that season

a lifetime ago

not like this 

strange end

to a strange year

of illness


& estrangement

I ask about 

your Christmas

and you ask 

about mine

my boys

& my wife

your son

in Dubai

a thousand miles

from this here

we talk

of the contract 

between art

& commerce

how each conspire


that which makes us

who we are


we reach

the ice house

and bothy

squat cottage

and barrel vault

way stations

on the old 

Golf Links 

a reminder

of a time

when everyone

who lived here

was tied

to land or sea

I reach


my pocket

& offer you 

a gift:

Quality Streets

my kids

call them

Infinity Stones

you take one

put it on

your tongue

and it is gone


we stand there


the stones

on the shore

the sea sucking

at the sand

the frost

in the trees

the breath 

in our lungs


there is something

i want to say here

about mothers

and motherhood

i always seem to be

fishing for


that isn’t truly there


we’re making our way back

in the creeping murk

when as if by magic 

the moon appears

over the creamy firth


like a thought

or a moth

trapped in a jar

we walk

towards her

stepping from 

one year

into the next

clouds fussing

the pinked air

words catch

in my. throat

as our mouths

blow out

cast nets

of misting breath

in wonderment
